
Monday, July 27, 2015

Causes of Bullying

Society seems to be on a downward spiral with morality. The lack of morals is becoming too acceptable in today's world. People disrespecting each other over simple selfishness. That brings me to my topic, bullying. Bullies aren't just bratty teens  in school, they are adults too. Bullying has gone to extremes and the problem needs to be stopped before it even begins.
 According to, the bully's intentions are to increase their popularity or power, bullies turn their wrath on victims who are perceived as weaker than them. They will never zone in someone they feel will be able to challenge or stand up to them. In order to understand causes of bullying you must realize that Bullying victims may:
  • wear glasses
  • be less popular
  • be over or underweight
  • be of a different race or religion
  • be from a different socioeconomic background
  • be gay or lesbian
  • have a disability
Image Credit: Southern Poverty Law Center
I believe the cause of bullying lies further than the sole need to be powerful. The surroundings that a child has in this day and age teach greed, hate, and selfishness. How can we stop bullying when the world continues to grow in hate? Maybe if we would set better examples for our youth, there wouldn't be so much hate. Hate continues to rise while Obama is trying to offer more rights and freedom to people. The most recent report reveals that there were two types of hate groups that saw a significant increase  from 2010 to 2011: anti-Muslim and anti-gay groups (Ben Forer, 2012, ABC News, Hate Groups on the Rise in U.S., Report Says,

I believe that music plays a grave part in influencing a child's behavior. I just asked my 9-year-old daughter what type of music she listens too and she said, "Pop." Mind you, my daughter is a gifted student who's a tattle tail in school. She lets adults know when someone is misbehaving. I appreciate that. When I asked her what music she thinks bullies listen to she said, "Rap." Even a 9-year-old is capable of identifying the violence music can display and teach kids. I'd like to show you an example of lyrics from one the top hits that teens are listening to: I ain't worried bout feature

Homeboy you's a pee on
Toilet seat a** n***a man I swear you getting peed on
Photo credit:
Man my jewelry so cold I walk around with the heat on
My alarm clock set just in case they wanna sleep on
(Read more: T-Wayne - Nasty Freestyle Lyrics | MetroLyrics)

Is this what the world has come to? Nasty music teaching our youth nasty attitudes. In studies performed to assess the reactions of young males exposed to violent rap music videos or sexist videos, participants reported an increased probability that they would engage in violence, a greater acceptance of the use of violence, and a greater acceptance of the use of violence against women than did participants who were not exposed to these videos (From the American Academy of Pediatrics, 2009, Impact of Music, Music Lyrics, and Music Videos on Children and Youth Council on Communications andMedia,

We as parents have the responsibility to filter through every influence in our children's environment. Parent's cannot reach every single influence, but what we can reach we should reach. We can start by teaching our children moral values. Here are eight moral values that all people, not just children, should own: Respect, obedience, politeness, responsibility, humility, good manners, friendliness, and honesty (Jordin Keim, Respect teaches a child that they are not better than anybody else. Obedience teaches them to listen even if they do not understand why; momma knows best. Politeness shows respect in which respect is returned. It also shows maturity and care. Responsibility teaches them to care for themselves without depending on others. Humility teaches love and kindness. I believe this to be of the utmost importance; humility is like the opposite of bullying. Humility shows selfless acts of love and kindness. It takes a strong person to show humility and that is what our kids need to be taught; not that it shows weakness. Good manners reflect the parenting of the child. With good parenting comes good manners; hopefully, they will pass them down to their own children. Friendliness shows a lack of judgment and teaches children to be kind to everyone. Honesty is important. I have a son that just can't get the concept of honesty. He has no problem telling someone they have a big belly, though. I never know if I can believe him. It is important to be honest but not when it hurts an innocent person. For instance, if a child is honest to their parents and tells them about a bully and the bully gets in trouble that would not be the same as telling someone they are ugly. We must teach our kids the correct use of honesty. I pray for this world daily. All of the kids I come in contact with seem nice, but reveal their true colors on social media. I fear that some kids are hiding their true colors from their parents because they know what they do isn't right, but they have a need to fit in at school. That is why we need to teach our children morals and hope that there are enough parents out there that will do the same so that we may change the world.

Let us not wait for the problem of bullying to occur before we take action; teach the kids morals and values now. We must fight from the beginning in order to change the end. I'm only one parent out of billions and I fail daily, but I try to teach my kids what is right. Do your best to prepare your children for the world. Let's leave better children to the planet, not a better planet for our children to destroy.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Gay Marriage is not Good for Society

I just read an article that spoke of how children are affected by the sex of their parents. Apparently, the author, Nathaniel Haas, of the article titled, "New Study Leaves No Doubt: Gay Marriage Good For Society," believes that children raised by gay couples are accelerated learners. There was a study taken to "prove" so. there were studies that marijuana was healthy while pregnant too, but does that make it true?

Looking into the children of nuclear families and that of same-sex parental families, the supposed higher educated children were from gay families. It may be possible that those families may be so grateful to have those children that they show them more attention. Gays cannot make babies, a lesbian couple could use sperm to conceive, but even with that they are less likely to have more than 2 kids seeing how the lack of procreation is playing a part.

Although the kids of the gay family may seem to be having an easy childhood does not change the fact that they may be affected and not showing any signs yet. Children are empty books waiting to be filled in; it is our job to write them a good story.

Everybody thinks that people who are against gay marriage get the idea from the Bible and have no room to use that with all the sins they endure daily. I know I sin, but I am trying to be better not worse. The article imposes that the traditional family is behind in values because some children from gay families showed higher intelligence than those from the traditional family. That does not prove that the children are smarter because of gay parents.The evidence that children raised by homosexual couples turn out okay is good news whichever side we take on this issue! However, just because something appears to get good results doesn't mean the method of getting those results is right does it? The end doesn't necessarily justify the means does it (Hotch)? There would need to be a wider study to show more proof. Education is good to have, but morals are more important. Life is not about how much you know, it is about how much you love. I love all people. loving somebody is not the same as letting them do whatever they want. A child who is given unlimited rights knows not of morality.

Our kids should learn to accept people for who they are, but not be taught that just because those people are accepted does not make what they do right. I feel like the End is coming sooner than later. This world is full of greed and empty of love and values. I understand that gays can't help their urges, but they must know that urges are meant to control. Just because something is desired through love does not make it right. The love of money, for example, is never a good thing.

When a gay male couple have a daughter and she gets her period, what are they going to do? Men and women have different roles in a child's life and the kids need those different emotions that are shown. I love that my husband is adored by our kids. He also takes the role of the dominant parent, the one I call on to help when the kids are out of control. My dad was the backup for my mom. He taught me to ride a bike and to fish. Having both sexes there for the child is important. If those kids in the study grew up around gay marriage and have no emotional issues, it is probably because they weren't taught that marriage is for a man and a woman, therefore, they have no real window to have emotional issues.

A man was meant to be with a woman; science says so and so does God.