
Saturday, June 6, 2015

Mental and Physical Triggers

This week I found myself drifting off into the fun memories of my addiction. I start to think about the silly drunken fun I had; in the first couple hours of drinking. When I realized I was thinking about how it felt good and fun I immediately through awful memories into mind as a reminder of what happens after the fun ends. There is something in drugs and alcohol that feels good; why else would we keep using?
I ask myself how on earth could I even fantasize about using after all the pain and suffering drugs and alcohol had brought upon my family and I. I guess that's the addiction trying to wedge itself back into my life, but that ain't happening. I've come way too far, and I love the life I have sober.
Any time you find yourself glorifying drinking or drugging, immediately think of the worst situation that happened because of your use. There is no positive outcome that could come from drinking and/or drugging.
Another trigger that may be plaguing your life can be "people, places, and/or things." I was in line at Tom Thumb one day and noticed the Bic lighters; one had a jar on it and the other had a pickle. I started to daydream about what my dealer would say if he saw me with a pickle on my lighter. It seems like almost everything I come into contact with has some kind of reminder hidden in it. I used for such a long time that everywhere, everybody, and everything is involved in my use in one form or the other.
My advice is to keep in mind why you are clean and sober; something bad has happened to each and every addict who is sober/clean today. If you have to control your use then you have a problem. Not only do the bad times remind me of why I don't want to use, but the good things that I have now that I am clean and sober. I love my family. I love my husband. I love my kids. All of them deserve to have "me" not the addict that buries "me" deeper and deeper with each use. My children are safe and have a happy home. No drink or drug is worth the risk that comes with it. Drugs and alcohol change "you." BeaUtiful.
Stay clean and sober; your life depends on it.

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