
Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Are you living or simply existing?

Here is a question to think about: Are you living or simply existing? What is the difference, you may be thinking.
Exist: in existence or operation at the time under consideration; current.

The term "living" is a metaphor describing what you are doing with your life. I believe living is making a difference in the world. If we simply exist then we are just "there," helping is when we go outside of our existence to enter into another's existence. The two separate beings that exist coincide with one another to change the outcome of one's life. Taking action is more than existing. There is more to life than selfish acts. We become spiritually empty when indulging in selfishness. When we have the power to change someone's life and we act on it, our spirit comes alive and fills us with indescribable feeling; like a cool breeze hitting your face while standing under the warm sun.
I will not simply exist in this world, I will take action and make a difference. Not only will the person I help feel better, but so will I. I know when I do something good, Jesus is smiling down at me with joy. You all may not believe in Jesus, but you probably believe in some form of higher power.

Dinosaurs existed, humans should do more than exist; we are not dinosaurs, we have spirits and morality. Be the change. Be the light in the dark. Share a smile. Give compliments. Reach out. Don't judge. Love one another, after all we are all in this world together. Shine bright!
Don't be a dinosaur, they became extinct. :)

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