
Saturday, April 18, 2015

Enjoying Life After Active Addiction

Today my life is so much different than it was just 8 months ago. After coming to the realization that alcohol was no longer on my "can-do" list I began thinking about how boring my life was gonna be. I'm clean and sober and I can surely say my life is far from the brink of boredom, it doesn't even get eyesight of what boredom is. I enjoy my time with my wonderful children. I enjoy learning about God. I enjoy doing my college work and receiving great grades, I have a brain after all. Life is good and life has been revived from the death of addiction.

In the month's that have past and I've been clean, my family and I have been able to save money. Now we are able to go on a family vacation to Orlando. We will be going to Universal Studios and Seaworld! Being clean has many benefits and I plan to reap them all. I am taking life head-on and I am succeeding. There is Life after active addiction. It does take some time to get that emotional stability after being on mind altering substances for such a long time but it is worth it. There is something good for every addict that suffers they just got to get up and take it. The door is open and inviting, don't let your addiction keep you from the Joys real life has for you. There is only three ends paths that addiction will take you and that is Jails, Institutions and Death; Choose your path wisely.

Serenity Prayer:

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference,
in Jesus' name, Amen.

*You are free to choose your own higher power.

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