
Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Rome Wasn't Built in a Day

When you come to the day that begins your journey into recovery it can seem like so much and you can feel like you can't handle the fight through the storm its good to remember the famous quote, "Rome wasn't built in a day". It took you more than a day to get so down and out of control so you can expect the same when coming out.

When I began my journey to recovery I had used up every penny in the bank and caused our account to go negative over $800 and it kept going with all the NSF fees. My husband had a hard time understanding that I had a disease and it wasn't an easy journey to recovery. I had a rough first month. The hardest part was admitting that alcohol was a problem too. When I finally let go of the alcohol and spoke it aloud in a meeting with fellow addicts it felt as if an enormous weight was just removed from my back. We as addicts can't think of never being able to get high again so we came up with a solution and that is to take one day at a time. Just for today I will refrain from the use of any mind altering substances. If that seems like too much try 5 minute increments and before you know it those minutes turn into hours then days then months then years.

I myself didn't do well with just for today because then I would have a whole plan of getting high for the next day and I would get high. The way I stay clean is to stay in contact with God and Jesus. One definite action I use to stay clean is to enjoy life without alcohol. I finally understood alcohol is not necessary to have fun, all you need is Hope, Love and Faith, the greatest of these is in fact Love.

You can do it! All you have to do is want it.

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